Friday, 20 June 2014



We did the performance of Look Back in Anger by John Osborne.
We took a section of the script and brought it to life. When doing the scene, Helena was talking to Alison, imagined i was just talking to a friend that it wasn't on the stage so that i could give the most natural performance possible, this made it easier was I wasn't necessarily trying to act I was just talking as if I was just talking as a normal person. When leaving Jimmy i used emotional memory i just imagine back to when my parent got divorced and we had to leave, thinking of this memory in the piece help show that Helena really did love Jimmy and didn't want to go but she knew what was right and the right thing to do was to go. This really help in the piece because it wasn't just one emotion thought out the piece it was showing that Helena as confused, upset, anger and vulnerable all in one just like I was when my mum and dad divorced.
      I believe we gave a pretty natural performance. Slight things changed in the performance to what was actually rehearsed for example when Jimmy entered and was making Alison feel bad in rehearsals i shouted at Jimmy but when it came to to the actual performance i was more set make and quiet and just said it i slightly louder tone just not shouting.I think this would be more effective as I was told by one on my class mates said that it seemed like Helena had more authority over Jimmy which didn't seem right.So we changed it and in the performance i was told that it looked better when i was quiet rather than shouting at Jimmy.

In rehearsals i thought that i moved way too much so in the actual performance i found it more natural to stay sat down because it didn't feel right moving all the time, instead I twiddled with a tea cup, or moved my hair instead which seemed more natural rather that constantly moving.

1 comment:

  1. You have some insight into the process, and this shows an element of evaluation. You need to go into more depth when you are evaluating, though, and try to examine each section of the scene in more detail. There is evidence here, too, of the way that you responded to feedback.
